Education Others

Coding is like cricket

With the stunning world cup victory behind us, it’s time to reflect on what lessons we can learn from it. I am sure cricket needs no introduction, so let me get on with what I have learnt from mostly watching, and very little playing, cricket. Uncertainty, the name of the game Cricket is the game glorious of uncertainties, and developers' lives are no less uncertain, just not glorious. Both cricketers and developers need to be flexible and adjust to new situations.


1 year old!

[caption id="" align=“alignright” width=“233” caption=“photo credit: hfb @ flickr”][/caption] The blog is now one year old, woo hoo! When I started the blog, I was not sure if I could sustain it. But here I am, 1 yr and 49 posts later. Although I could not post once a week as I promised myself, I was close enough. If only I could share statistics to prove how popular this blog is, but both of you know it isn’t :)

Education Others

3 Idiots - The nitpicking

I watched 3 Idiots yesterday, and could not resist reviewing it. This review is not about how great the movie is. There are several of those on the net. Let me be quick in saying that my family and I loved the film and think it is one of the best movie. It is a good take on the state of education in the country, a subject I feel strongly about.


What people want to know?

And can only ask Google. Pictorial proof :) Indians want to know: And the same on which I assume is US targeted.


Kids say the darndest things

This is what my daughter has to say about my home computers: Papa, ever since you made the computer a laptop, it misbehaves and crashes. Please make it a computer again! Read computer = Ubuntu and laptop = Windows. My desktop ran Ubuntu for a long time until I installed Win7 on it. My laptop always had WinXP as shipped by the manufacturer. My daughter prefers Ubuntu to Windows, looks like I am raising a Linux fangirl :)

Others Technology

Ultimate backup tool?

Well, I don’t need to beat the dead horse about why one needs to backup data. But with the explosion of digital assets, it is all the more important. What are my digital assets? The largest, of course, are photographs. Apart from these, I have a fair smattering of music, code, documents and others. How do I back them up? Currently, photos are backed up on DVD and in the cloud (picasaweb).


Ultimate Blog Editor

If there was ever a totally unqualified opinion, here it is. A blogger for 6 weeks and change, this is my thought what a blogging tool should be. Those who came here searching for the ultimate editor, I am sorry to disappoint, only ideas here. To start with; I have tried Wordpress online editor, Scribefire, Windows Live Writer and Drivel; and found them all lacking in one aspect or another. Currently I find Live Writer to be better than the rest.


Exercises for the cube dweller.

Bonus tip: Install Workrave for automated breaks and exercise tips.