
1 year old!

[caption id="" align=“alignright” width=“233” caption=“photo credit: hfb @ flickr”][/caption] The blog is now one year old, woo hoo! When I started the blog, I was not sure if I could sustain it. But here I am, 1 yr and 49 posts later. Although I could not post once a week as I promised myself, I was close enough. If only I could share statistics to prove how popular this blog is, but both of you know it isn’t :)


Ultimate Blog Editor

If there was ever a totally unqualified opinion, here it is. A blogger for 6 weeks and change, this is my thought what a blogging tool should be. Those who came here searching for the ultimate editor, I am sorry to disappoint, only ideas here. To start with; I have tried Wordpress online editor, Scribefire, Windows Live Writer and Drivel; and found them all lacking in one aspect or another. Currently I find Live Writer to be better than the rest.